Knox County ESC


2024 LPDC Meetings:

August 9

September 13

October 11

November 8

December 13

NOTE:  ALL MEETINGS WILL TAKE PLACE REMOTELY @ 2:30 via 'Zoom'.  Any staff member wishing to attend may contact their LPDC representative for details.

This page is designed to organize the licensure process for staff members that must complete Professional Development for licensure renewal.  All forms are available from the 'drop down' menus in the header on this page.  Other pages have been supplied to aid in 'all things licensure'.  If you have questions, please email or talk to a Committee Rep from your building or email the Knox County ESC LPDC at

Ready to Renew?

  • ODE SAFE Site - Portal to Licensure

  • Knox County ESC LPDC ID# - 013447