Resident Educator Program
About the Program
The Resident Educator Program is a 2-year program consisting of a system of support and mentoring to develop relationships and communications, equitable practice, professional growth and development, and instructional practice and building capacity among our newest teaching professionals.
During the first year of the program RE’s will work collaboratively with an assigned mentor to complete annual requirements through discussions and feedback. Mentors will provide ongoing instructional support through self assessments, goal setting, demonstrations of authentic teacher work such as lesson planning, data analysis and assessment for reflection.
In year 2 the RE will work with a facilitator who will support them as they prepare to submit a Lesson Reflection for the Resident Educator Summative Assessment (RESA) and guide them in acquiring their 5 year professional license.
Beginning with the 2023 - 2024 school year, the following changes have been made to the RE Program.
The program is now a 2 year program in which participants must successfully complete two program years.
Credit for prior teaching experience is no longer available.
RE’s are now registered for the Resident Educator Summative Assessment (RESA) in year 2 of the program.
There is no longer a limit on attempts to successfully complete the RESA.
At this time, RE’s who hold an Alternative Resident Educator License must complete 4 years of teaching experience under their alternative license (in each licensure area) even if they have completed the Ohio Resident Educator Program and passed RESA.
Sherry Miglin
Phone: (740)393-6767
If you have any questions or concerns regarding the Resident Educator Program, please contact me.
If calling, please leave a message with your name, return number, and a brief description for the call.